Thursday, September 10, 2015

Welcome back!

Hello and happy school year to you all!
I am finally catching up after the whirlwind of back-to-school set up and activities, and I have some fun things to share. In the first few weeks of school, our focus is on learning procedures, procedures, procedures! It is very important that we know how to do everything that needs to be done in our classroom so that it will be "smooth sailing" for the rest of the year. Your first graders are now experts at packing and unpacking their backpacks, keeping their desk neat, walking in line, and how to proceed when there is an emergency.
Along with mastering the many procedures there are in day-to-day life, we have been learning some academic games and activities that will help us practice skills all year long!

Write the Room:

Greater Than/Less Than Math Game

Spelling BUMP!

Students get to practice being the teacher!

Guess My Number!